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Microsoft Natural Keyboard Shortcuts...!!


The Winkey is between Ctrl & Alt on the left side, and Menu & Alt on the right side of your keyboard. As you now, if you press the Winkey the Start Menu will be opened instantly. More than that, you can use it to simplify other tasks. For examples:

Launches Start button (Winkey)
Display the Run dialog box (Winkey + R)
Minimize all windows currently open (Winkey + M)
Undo Minimize all windows (Winkey + Shift + M)
Start Help (Winkey + F1)
Start Explorer (Winkey + E)
Start Find Files/Folders dialog box (Winkey + F)
Start Find Computer dialog box (CTRL + Winkey + F)
Cycle through taskbar buttons (Winkey + Tab)
Display Systems Properties panel (Winkey + Break).
Show/hide Desktop (Winkey + D)
Opens Printer box to add, check job status, etc. (Winkey + P)
Opens up mouse properties (Winkey + I)
Opportunity to log off Windows (Winkey + L)
Opens up keyboard properties (Winkey + K)

Basic windows operations.....(2)

New Quick Launch Toolbars

Drag any folder or any item from the desktop (e.g. My Computer, Recycle Bin, Network Neighborhood, Control Panel icon, etc.) to the edge of the screen and release. You will get a Single Click Quick Launch Toolbar with all the icons inside it.

Quick Swap Mouse

As you probably know, when you drag an object to or from the desktop using the right mouse button, you're given the option to Move, Copy, Create Shortcut or Cancel when you let go of the button. If you do not want to use the right mouse button, you can accomplish the same thing by pressing and holding Ctrl+Shift, and then drag using the left mouse button.

Quick Switch to Another Tab

There is an easy way to switch to another tab when you work inside a dialog box. Just press Ctrl+Tab keys to switch to the right tabs or press Ctrl+Shift+Tab keys to move to the left tab.

The Alternative Shortcuts

It is a common to use Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, or Ctrl+Z, to perform Cut, Copy, Paste, or Undo operations inside Windows 9X/Me applications. Those shortcuts are designed to be pressed easily with the left fingers while the right fingers hold the mouse.

Actually, you can perform the same action using your right fingers. The shortcuts are Shift+Delete for Cut, Ctrl+Insert for Copy, Shift+Insert for Paste and Alt+Backspace for Undo.

Use the Shift+Delete keys only inside an application, if you use this shortcut inside Windows Explorer it will permanently deletes your files.

Using SendTo to Copy and Move Files

Use the SendTo feature to quickly copy and move files. First, create a shortcut to a drive or a folder using the previous tips. To move an object, you can use the SendTo feature by right-clicking the object, click the SendTo menu and then click the new location. To copy an object you must press Ctrl key while activating the SendTo feature. Meanwhile, to create a shortcut you must press Control and Shift keys while using the Sendto feature.

Another Way Selecting Icons

Normally to select a group of icons you must click and drag a box. Once you have a group selected, then you can click any one with the right mouse button, select a command, and that command will apply to all of them. To save a step, just click and drag the icons using the right mouse button, and when you release the button, the Context menu will pops up automatically.

Another Way To Put Shortcut on Desktop

You don't have to drag and drop in Desktop view only to create your favorite application shortcuts. If you work on Windows Explorer, you can simply right click the filename for which you want to create a shortcut and from the popup menu choose Send To and then choose Desktop As Shortcut.

Manage Your SendTo Menu

Normally the list of options in your SendTo context menu appears in alphabetical order. You can manage them by renaming the shortcuts in the SendTo folder so that a number is the first character. The order of the numbers will be the order of the options. The list is alphabetized, with numbers first.

Left or Right

Probably you didn't realize that you can use both left and right button to choose an item from shortcut menu. Normally you only use one of these buttons.

Show that Hiding Dialog Box

When you right-clicking the desktop and selecting Properties--switched to another window, and then come back to the desktop, do not surprise if suddenly the Properties box is gone. These happen if you clicked the Show Desktop icon (on the Quick Launch toolbar) or pressed Windows key + D. To show that hiding Properties box, press Alt-Tab to display all open windows. While holding Alt key, press Tab key repeatedly until the icon representing the missing Properties box is highlighted. Release the keys, and there's that Properties box.

Tips for Copy and Paste

Try the following tips inside Notepad or other text editor with a single-level undo feature. Copy text selection 1 (press Ctrl+C) and paste it over selection 2 (press Ctrl+V). Undo that operation (press Ctrl+Z), and while that text is still selected, copy it to the clipboard (press Ctrl+C). Now, undo that operation again (press Ctrl+Z) and you have the changed the text (from 2 to 1) as well as copied the old text (2) to the clipboard.

Basic windows operations...(1)

Adding SendTo Context Menu to Favorites-

Click the Start button, click Run, type "sendto" (without the quotes) in the dialog box, and click OK. The SendTo menu opens as icons for shortcuts to be added such as a shortcut to Notepad and Paint. Now select Favorites from the menu bar and "add" this window to your favorites. This makes it easily accessible to update with other shortcuts.

An Easy Way to Close Applications

As you know, you can close an opened application by pressing Alt+F4. Actually, there is another method, by pressing Alt+spacebar then followed by C.

Bigger Dialog Boxes

Probably you didn't realize that Common Dialogs inside an application (Notepad, Paint, etc), such as File - Open and File - Save As boxes are now resizable in the Windows 9X/Me. Just look in the lower right-hand corner for that familiar Explorer-like resize handle. Now, you can see more than just a handful of files when you're in those dialogs.

Closing All Your Applications Fast

Use this tip to close all opened applications quickly. Click the Start-Run menu, type Taskman, and then click OK to open the Task Manager application. Press and hold the SHIFT key, click the first application from the list, click the last application, and then click the Windows - End Task menu. You can also create a shortcut to the Task Manager in the Start menu.

Are you tired to close your running applications one by one? Just select Shutdown from the Start menu and pick the "Close all programs and log on as a different user?" option. Then log back on as the same user.

Creating Hot Keys
As an alternative to activate a Windows 9X/Me application, you can create hot keys. To create a hot key, right-click an application shortcut, choose Properties, click Shortcut tab, and then type a letter in the Shortcut key box (for example W for Word). Automatically, Windows 9X/Me will use the CTRL+ALT+W keys as the hot keys.

Date Information

To get information about the current time, you only need to see the clock at the right corner of Taskbar. How to see the today date? Move your mouse pointer to the clock and wait a moment. Date, month, and year will appear for several seconds and then disappear.

Don't Recycle My Files

You have several secret files that you do not want to keep them in the Recycle Bin. To do so, press the Shift key while you press the Del key or click the Delete menu.

Faster Quick View

Do you want to see your document previews faster? Open Windows Explorer, and then activate the Quick View application to see the first file's content. For the next files you can drag the file icons directly into the Quick View window. For easier operation, both windows (Explorer and Quick View) can be tilled vertically on the screen. If you only want to see bitmap, jpeg or gif files, open the Paint window instead of Quick View. The same method can be applied in Media Player to see multimedia files (wave, midi, avi, etc.) or NotePad for text file (*.txt).

Faster New Documents

To get faster new documents, right-click an empty space on the Windows 9X/Me desktop. From the pop-up menu choose New, and then from the list select the type of your new document. On the desktop will appear a shortcut icon. Rename this shortcut if it is necessary, and then double-click on it to start creating the new document.

How to Delete Files from Floppy & Zip Disks

As you know when you delete a file from a floppy, it is gone forever. Same problem occurs with zip disks. To get around this problem, first create a folder on the C:/ drive called "Deleted File". Create a shortcut to "Deleted File" and cut/paste it into the Windows/Send to folder. Paste another shortcut to "Deleted File" on the Desktop [Optional]. Now whenever one wants to delete files from a floppy or zip disk, send them to Deleted File first. You can delete them later.

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